Friday, June 4, 2010

Is it just me or...

Is it just me or does anyone else think it's super rude when a friend of theirs is non-stop texting while you're hanging out with them? I mean maybe I'm just boring, but I honestly don't think that's the case.

I was hanging out with a very good friend of mine yesterday, and I figured this might be something worth writing about here. Pretty much every time we hang out, he's glued to his phone. It's mostly texting, but there are a fair amount of unnecessary phone calls sprinkled in there. I've experienced this with not only him but a few of my very good friends. Am I the only one who thinks this is rude? Or how about those girls (sorry ladies) who are with a friend and they're both on the phone? Are you actually spending time with someone if you're always talking to someone else?

My argument is this. If you're hanging out with someone, you should be enjoying the time you're spending with that person. If you're constantly texting or talking to other people on the phone, it gives the impression that your friend's company isn't enough.

Call me old fashioned, but unless I absolutely HAVE to take a phone call or answer a text, I just ignore my phone when I'm with my friends. I often wish they'd do the same when they are with me.


  1. Well I have to say I agree with you, my friends do a lot of texting when I'm with them and I don't know what your friends are talking about while they text but usually when my friends are texting it's usually to find out plans for later or seeing what our other friends are doing, sometimes it's their boyfriends (which I hate) but I just deal with it. I guess I never thought about it the way your saying and it kind of makes me want to say somethign to them which I just might haha so thank you (:

  2. Believe it or not, my boss is the main person who does this all the time. We always give her sh*t about it, because she's like totally addicted to texting and never puts down her phone. It's good because if u need something and send her a text she always gets rigt back to you but its soooo annoying when she does this with another person while you are F2F. It's really quite a skill sometimes, as se seems to carry on 4 or even more conversations simultaneously, sometimes even in full conversation on speaker phone with one person, while texting another, and having a "meeting" with a few others F2F. haha It has become a bit r ridiculous (in my boss's case extremely ridiculous) how addicted to texting people have become. I try to not text in front of people because i agree with you that it is rude, but i dont think i've ever had a day go by since i've gotten texting on my phone, where i haven't received a text.

    We've somehow find ourselves losing the "art of communication", while being totally emersed in it. We will send out dozens of text's before we simply pick up the phone and call the person, an easy 2 minute conversation spread out over half an hour. We can write on a persons wall on facebook, then walk by them as if we don't even know them in public.
