Sunday, June 6, 2010

Extra! Extra!

I was reading the Boston Globe today and work and I got to thinking. Do people get the paper delivered anymore? Obviously people do, but if you get it e-mailed to you, it's free. Kind of a no-brainer here. But I feel guilty getting the news e-mailed to me everyday and not paying a penny for it. As we all know, newspapers are a dying breed. It makes me almost want to get a legitimate subscription and support those hard working reporters. But there are several things working against them here. First and foremost, I'm lazy. I have no motivation to go and get a paid subscription (I'm sure it's easy but still...). And second, like most of you out there, I'm never home. So when would I actually have the chance to peel it off my driveway and give it a good read? Mmm pretty much never. So for now I will continue to cheat our journalists and have it conveniently (and tree-friendly) delivered to my e-mail account. At least they can sell ad space right?


  1. While I don't subscribe to any daily, we pick up Sunday papers....and during the fall & spring, we take advantage of the BSC paper program, so that we get hard copies of both the BOSTON GLOBE & the NEW YORK TIMES....I think that's just brilliant!

  2. I frequently feel guilty for not subscribing to a newspaper, but then I see my parents recycling their essentially unread papers and I wonder how I would ever have the time to read my own newspaper. At least we are tree-friendly?
