Thursday, June 10, 2010

After reading the chapter in our book about media industries I started to think about the types of movies that are made now-a-days. The book goes over the types of films that are likely to be made, and I noticed that the film industry has been slacking in a few of those categories. Mostly original screenplays. The last few years, I've noticed that a bunch of the "new" movies coming out are actually remakes of old movies and television shows. I think that sucks. I have no interest in seeing a remake of a great movie. All I have to say is, stay away from the Breakfast Club! They already tried to make a franchise out of Dirty Dancing. So, I think the studios need to buy more original films and stop making a mockery of great films. Unless they can figure out a way to make it better... but they most likely can't recapture what made a classic movie classic in the first place. There are plenty of brilliant ideas out there, use some of those and make some new, original classics!

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