I just got back from my trip to Maine today. It was a six hour drive one way, so I'm sure you can assume that I went deep into the a-hole of Maine; Bar Harbor to be exact. Bar Harbor is a tiny little town on Mount Desert Island, which is located in northern coastal Maine. It's a very beautiful tourist trap. The reason why I went there was to play in the outdoor splendor of Acadia National Park. If you haven't been there, I suggest you go at least one (in the summer). Being so far north and having no steady year-round population, the accessibility to wireless technology was extremely limited. The only place I could get the internet was at the bed and breakfast I stayed at, but I obviously didn't drive six hours to hang out in an old house with a bunch of sour-puss old farts (no offense old people). So it's safe to say that I spent the better half of a week without the ever present influence of the media we experience here, save for the newspaper article about some idiot who parked their car on a sand bar during low tide thinking it was a parking lot (hilarious).
It sucked when I couldn't use my iPhone to check the weather while I was having lunch with my boyfriend, but these are things you get over quickly. I checked my e-mail once, and didn't even think about doing any homework. It's nice being detached every now and then. When you're scaling the side of a cliff mountain thing, Facebook is the last thing on your mind.
Non-related note. I hiked the Beehive! The picture shows part of the "trail".
Unsolicited advice: if you visit Acadia in January, make sure your tires are not bald.